A housing authority located in the Midwest was required to maintain one on-premise server due to a legacy application that was not budgeted for upgrading anytime in the near future. With hundreds of employees accessing the server, internal IT at the housing authority needed a solution to protect their cyber vulnerabilities. The business was referred to Lentner Technology, where we architected and deployed a solution for Dropbox to retain company files and folders, and further we used Dropbox to retain Veeam backups of the on-premise server. In 2019, the housing authorities IT department called in a panic because a ransomware attack encrypted the entire network and the external IT department managing the housing authority store the encryption keys for cloud backups on the server. The ransom was north of $70 million. Within 2 hours Lentner came to the rescue demonstrating to the housing authority that anything encrypted on the server could be restored in Dropbox. Crisis diverted.